There has been so many adventures since the last post. For awhile, I wasn't able to upload any pictures to the blog and then...well time just got away from me. Guess that is easy to do with a baby. So to catch up on life Cameron passed on through his 6 and 7 months and now he is into his 8th month! Time sure does fly by. Within those months he is has sprouted 2 bottom teeth, figured out how to make it to his hands and knees, then figured out to how move those hands and knees simultaneously and is now moving everywhere!
We dedicated Cameron at church in April. It was such a special time for us knowing that we are committing ourselves as parents to raise our son to know and love Christ.
Our little guy went to the park for the first time and loved the swings, so much so that he was non stop smiling the whole time. I am looking forward to taking that kid to the park many more times and swinging away like there is not a care in the world!
Finally, in his 8th month, Cameron is greeting us this way every morning. What a way to start the morning. Babies and kids teach us a lot of things as they continue to grow and explore new things, and one thing that I am reminded of each day with Cameron is to go throughout my day with a smile on my face. Be happy with what God has placed in my life and have a joyful heart towards others.
So much adventures in this past 4 months that have taken us on a wonderful journey. Praise God we have this chance to enjoy each day with ones we love!